Meet the members
Are you a parent, teacher or friend of Wylam First School? If you are reading this page, you are probably a member! The ‘friends’ of our membership include carers, grandparents, child minders and interested members of the community.
The Trustees
The Trustees are a team of volunteer members responsible for the running of the PTFA, liaising with school for fundraising priorities, liaising with the school and members about support and events, and managing the accounts.
Jessica Boath | Treasurer |
Claire Hermann | Secretary |
Rebecca Oakley | Chair |
Class Representatives
The Class Reps are a group of volunteer members responsible for liaising with other members in each year group. Typically; communication is managed by a year group WhatsApp Group.
TBC | Nursery |
Claire Patterson | Reception |
Claire Herrmann | Year 2 |
Jo Wiseman | Year 4 |